XAMPP是一个包含ApacheWeb服务器、PHP、MySQL和phpMyAdmin的软件包。You can install it on your Windows,Linux or Mac operating system. In this paper,we will show you how to install its on the USB drivers connected to Windows PC,but no matter where you will install its,the installation method are basically the same.
您需要做的第一件事是下载XAMPP lite。转移到XAMPP下载界面,然后单击更多下载。
在下一个屏幕上,将有该版本的可用文件列表。You're not going to be a little bit lucky.点击文件名开始下载。
In this paper,we discuss the relationship between the mechanism and the relationship between the mechanism. In the installation process,the system will request you to select the location to install XAMPP. You need to click the file夹图板,then select your USB driver.
单击下一步继续安装。The installation program will install XAMPP on your USB driver now. In this paper,we study the relationship between the factors of the mechanical properties and the mechanical properties of the mechanical properties of the mechanical properties.
You need to run xampp-control.exe from USB driver to start XAMPP. This will take out the XAMPP control center as shown in below:
You need to Start ApacheWeb server and MySQL by click them旁边的Start button. The results showed that the results of the study showed that the results of the results
现在打开Web浏览器,在地址栏中输入http://localhost/。You'll see XAMPP picture. This means you have successfully installed XAMPP on USB driver.
In this paper,we discuss the relationship between the mechanism and the relationship between the mechanism.下一步是安装WordPress本体。在U盘上安装WordPress与在Windows或Mac电脑上安装WordPress没有太大区别。
First,you need to open your USB driver and transfer toHtdocs文件夹在XAMPP安装目录中。in that embodiment illustrate in fig. 1,此文件夹将成为您的本地WordPress站点。你可以给它起任何你喜欢的名字。出于本教程的目的,我们将其命名为site1
Now we need WordPress. Only need to visit WordPress.org and download the new WordPress本to your computer. The download.zip file is compressed to your surface and open it.
Now you need to copy the content of WordPress file clip and put it to/htdocs/site1The document clip on your USB driver.
一旦你复制了WordPress文件,你就可以通过网络浏览器访问你的网站http://localhost/site 1来运行WordPress安装。
在下一个屏幕上,提供您先前创建的数据库名称。in that embodiment shown in fig. 1,点击提交按钮继续。
系统将要求您提供站点信息并创建管理员用户名和密码。This manager user name and password will be used to login to WordPress management region.您还需要提供电子邮件地址。在隐私部分,您可以取消选中复选框允许搜索引擎为此网站编制索引。一旦你做完了,点击安装按钮在底部。
但您已经成功安装了WordPress。现在,您可以继续登录到您的站点并做任何您想做的事情。In this paper,we study the relationship between the factors of the influence of the
We hope this article can help you install WordPress on U盘. You can now take this U盘with your head. Please note,your U盘只能在Windows电脑上使用.
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