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  • 前言
  • 一、常用注解
    • 1.1 @AllArgsConstructor/@NoArgsConstructor/@RequiredArgsConstructor
    • 1.2 @Builder
    • 1.3 @Data
    • 1.4 @EqualsAndHashCode
    • 1.5 @Getter/@Setter
    • 1.6 @Slf4j/@Log4j/@Log4j2/@Log
    • 1.7 @ToString
  • 二、踩坑
    • 2.1 Getter/Setter 方法名不一样
    • 2.2 @Builder 不会生成无参构造方法
    • 2.3 @Builder 不能build父类属性
    • 2.4 @ToString 栈溢出
    • 2.5 影响单元测试覆盖率
  • 三、源码探秘
    • 3.1 APT与JSR 269
    • 3.2 实现流程
    • 3.3 源码追踪
  • 四、优缺点
    • 4.1 优点
    • 4.2 缺点
  • 参考


Lombok 是一款在 Java 开发中广受欢迎的工具库,它能够显著简化 Java 代码的编写过程并减少样板代码的冗余。在面对频繁的getter和setter方法、构造函数、日志记录等重复性代码任务时,Lombok 的出现为开发者带来了极大的便利,无需手动编写这些重复性的代码,减少了代码量,提高了开发效率。

Lombok的使用非常简单,只需在项目中引入 Lombok 库,并在需要的类上添加相应的注解即可。另外,大多数流行的Java集成开发环境(IDE)也都提供了对Lombok 的支持,可以在代码编辑器中正确显示自动生成的代码, IDEA2021 已经内置 Lombok 了。


pom 依赖如下:



1.1 @AllArgsConstructor/@NoArgsConstructor/@RequiredArgsConstructor


  1. @AllArgsConstructor 能够生成由所有参数构造的构造方法

    public class Test {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;


    public class Test {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;
        public Test(Integer age, String userName) {
            this.age = age;
            this.userName = userName;
  2. @NoArgsConstructor 能够生成无参构造方法

    public class Test {
        private Integer age = 1;
        private String userName = "";


    public class Test {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;
        public Test() {
  3. @RequiredArgsConstructor 可以为类内 final 字段和被 @nonNull 修饰的字段 添加构造方法

    public class Test {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;
        private final  String password;
        private  String [] lists;


    public class Test {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;
        private final String password;
        private @NonNull String[] lists;
        public Test(String password, @NonNull String[] lists) {
            if (lists == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("lists is marked non-null but is null");
            } else {
                this.password = password;
                this.lists = lists;

1.2 @Builder

@builder 能够生成支持Builder模式的类,提供一种灵活、可读性高且易于维护的方式来构建对象,尤其是当对象具有多个属性,且需要支持可选参数和默认值时,Builder模式特别有用.

public class Test {
    private Integer age = 18;
    private String userName;
    private final  String password;
    private  String [] lists;


public class Test {
    private Integer age;
    private String userName;
    private final String password;
    private @NonNull String[] lists;

    private static Integer $default$age() {
        return 18;

    Test(Integer age, String userName, String password, @NonNull String[] lists) {
        if (lists == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("lists is marked non-null but is null");
        } else {
            this.age = age;
            this.userName = userName;
            this.password = password;
            this.lists = lists;

    public static TestBuilder builder() {
        return new TestBuilder();

    public static class TestBuilder {
        private boolean age$set;
        private Integer age$value;
        private String userName;
        private String password;
        private String[] lists;

        TestBuilder() {

        public TestBuilder age(Integer age) {
            this.age$value = age;
            this.age$set = true;
            return this;

        public TestBuilder userName(String userName) {
            this.userName = userName;
            return this;

        public TestBuilder password(String password) {
            this.password = password;
            return this;

        public TestBuilder lists(@NonNull String[] lists) {
            if (lists == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("lists is marked non-null but is null");
            } else {
                this.lists = lists;
                return this;

        public Test build() {
            Integer age$value = this.age$value;
            if (!this.age$set) {
                age$value = Test.$default$age();

            return new Test(age$value, this.userName, this.password, this.lists);

        public String toString() {
            return "Test.TestBuilder(age$value=" + this.age$value + ", userName=" + this.userName + ", password=" + this.password + ", lists=" + Arrays.deepToString(this.lists) + ")";

1.3 @Data

等价于 @Getter, @Setter, @RequiredArgsConstructor, @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode

1.4 @EqualsAndHashCode

能够生成equalshashCode方法, 可通过 callSuper = true 来调用父类的同名方法,不参与计算的属性可通过@EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude进行排除

public class Test {

    private Integer age = 18;

    private String userName;


public class Test {
    private Integer age = 18;
    private String userName;

    public Test() {

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this) {
            return true;
        } else if (!(o instanceof Test)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            Test other = (Test)o;
            if (!other.canEqual(this)) {
                return false;
            } else {
                Object this$age = this.age;
                Object other$age = other.age;
                if (this$age == null) {
                    if (other$age != null) {
                        return false;
                } else if (!this$age.equals(other$age)) {
                    return false;

                Object this$userName = this.userName;
                Object other$userName = other.userName;
                if (this$userName == null) {
                    if (other$userName != null) {
                        return false;
                } else if (!this$userName.equals(other$userName)) {
                    return false;

                return true;

    protected boolean canEqual(Object other) {
        return other instanceof Test;

    public int hashCode() {
        int PRIME = 59; // 这里IDEA反编译有bug,显示为int PRIME = true;
        int result = 1;
        Object $age = this.age;
        result = result * 59 + ($age == null ? 43 : $age.hashCode());
        Object $userName = this.userName;
        result = result * 59 + ($userName == null ? 43 : $userName.hashCode());
        return result;

1.5 @Getter/@Setter


public class Test {
    private Integer age = 18;

    private String userName;


public class Test {
    private Integer age = 18;
    private String userName;

    public Test() {

    public Integer getAge() {
        return this.age;

    public String getUserName() {
        return this.userName;

    public void setAge(Integer age) {
        this.age = age;

    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

1.6 @Slf4j/@Log4j/@Log4j2/@Log

在类中生成1个字段log,用于记录日志, 使用不同的日志框架可以使用不同的注解

public class Test {
    private Integer age = 18;

    private String userName;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        log.info("{}在哪?", "我");
public class Test {
    private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Test.class);
    private Integer age = 18;
    private String userName;

    public Test() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        log.info("{}在哪?", new Object[]{"我"});

1.7 @ToString


public class Test {

    private Integer age;

    private String userName;
public class Test {
    private Integer age;
    private String userName;

    public Test() {

    public String toString() {
        return "Test(age=" + this.age + ", userName=" + this.userName + ")";


2.1 Getter/Setter 方法名不一样

在类中,开头只有一个小写字母的字段,如 iPhone, 当使用 Lombok 生成 getter、setter 方法时,它生成getter和setter方法如下:

public String getIPhone() {
    return this.iPhone;
public void setIPhone(String iPhone) {
    this.iPhone = iPhone;


public String getiPhone() {
    return iPhone;

public void setiPhone(String iPhone) {
    this.iPhone = iPhone;

在 SpringBoot 项目中使用 @RequestBody 接收 json 数据时,默认通过 Jackson 处理 ,而 jackson 处理实体,会从getter/setter方法获取具体的字段名,具体源码位于DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy.legacyManglePropertyName, 如下所示:

 * Method called to figure out name of the property, given 
 * corresponding suggested name based on a method or field name.
 * @param basename Name of accessor/mutator method, not including prefix
 *  ("get"/"is"/"set")
protected String legacyManglePropertyName(final String basename, final int offset)
    final int end = basename.length();
    if (end == offset) { // empty name, nope
        return null;
    char c = basename.charAt(offset);
    // 12-Oct-2020, tatu: Additional configurability; allow checking that
    //    base name is acceptable (currently just by checking first character)
    if (_baseNameValidator != null) {
        if (!_baseNameValidator.accept(c, basename, offset)) {
            return null;

    // next check: is the first character upper case? If not, return as is
    char d = Character.toLowerCase(c);

    if (c == d) {
        return basename.substring(offset);
    // otherwise, lower case initial chars. Common case first, just one char
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(end - offset);
    int i = offset+1;
    for (; i < end; ++i) {
        c = basename.charAt(i);
        d = Character.toLowerCase(c);
        if (c == d) {
            sb.append(basename, i, end);
    return sb.toString();

以上代码会将生成的 set/get/is 等方法获取字段, 将方法中 set/get/is 按照偏移量移除,然后找到第一个小写的字符,之前的大写字符都会变为小写,这就会导致问题,IPhone会变为 iphone 和字段 iPhone 不同,会导致问题

Lombok 开发者也意识到这种问题,并提供了解决方案:https://projectlombok.org/features/GetterSetter

lombok.accessors.capitalization = [basic | beanspec] (default: basic)

Controls how tricky cases like uShaped (one lowercase letter followed by an upper/titlecase letter) are capitalized. basic capitalizes that to getUShaped, and beanspec capitalizes that to getuShaped instead.
Both strategies are commonly used in the java ecosystem, though beanspec is more common.

用 Lombok 的配置来解决。在项目resource目录下创建 lombok.config文件,并添加以下配置项

lombok.accessors.capitalization = beanspec

2.2 @Builder 不会生成无参构造方法

当使用@Builder后,会有生成全部参数的构造函数,但是没有无参构造方法,这对Spring IOC等框架不太友好,框架需要无参构造函数构造对象。所以,第一感觉就是再加上@NoArgsConstructor,但是又报错了.


If a class is annotated, then a package-private constructor is generated with all fields as arguments (as if @AllArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PACKAGE) is present on the class), and it is as if this constructor has been annotated with @Builder instead. Note that this constructor is only generated if you haven’t written any constructors and also haven’t added any explicit @XArgsConstructor annotations. In those cases, lombok will assume an all-args constructor is present and generate code that uses it; this means you’d get a compiler error if this constructor is not present





2.3 @Builder 不能build父类属性


  1. 添加一个构造方法,包含父类的属性

    public class Parent {
        private String foo;
        private Integer bar;
    @ToString(callSuper = true)
    public class Child extends Parent {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;
        public Child(String foo, Integer bar, Integer age, String userName) {
            super(foo, bar);
            this.age = age;
            this.userName = userName;
  2. 使用@Superbuilder, 这是实验性的 API,不知未来是否删除,慎用

    public class Parent {
        private String foo;
        private Integer bar;
    @ToString(callSuper = true)
    public class Child extends Parent {
        private Integer age;
        private String userName;

2.4 @ToString 栈溢出

在使用 JPA 时,实体之间为多对多关系,相互引用,在调用toString方法是陷入无限递归,栈溢出

可以使用@ToString.Exclude 注解排除多对多引用的字段

2.5 影响单元测试覆盖率

在项目中使用了**@Data** 注解,在使用 Jacoco 对代码进行单元测试,会发现测试覆盖率比较低,一些自动生成的方法没有覆盖到


config.stopBubbling = true
lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation = true


3.1 APT与JSR 269


  1. APT(Annotation Processing Tool),自JDK5产生,JDK7已标记为过期,不推荐使用,JDK8中已彻底删除,自JDK6开始,可以使用Pluggable Annotation Processing API来替换它,apt被替换主要有2点原因:

    • api都在com.sun.mirror非标准包下
    • 没有集成到javac中,需要额外运行
  2. JSR-269(Pluggable Annotation Processing API,插件式注解处理器)JDK6 开始纳入了规范,作为apt的替代方案,它解决了apt的以上两个问题。关于处理注解的包在javax.annotation.processing, 集成到javac中,javac 过程如下:


    • Parse and Enter:所有在命令行中指定的源文件都被读取,解析成语法树,然后所有外部可见的定义都被输入到编译器的符号表中。
    • Annotation Processing:调用所有适当的注解处理器。如果任何注解处理程序生成任何新的源文件或类文件,则重新开始编译,直到没有创建任何新文件为止。
    • Analyse and Generate:最后,解析器创建的语法树将被分析并转换为类文件。在分析过程中,可能会发现对其他类的引用。编译器将检查这些类的源和类路径,如果在源路径上找到它们,也会编译这些文件,尽管它们不需要进行注解处理。

3.2 实现流程

在Javac 解析成 AST(Abstract Syntax Tree, 抽象语法树)之后, Lombok 根据自己编写的注解处理器,动态地修改 AST,增加新的节点(即Lombok自定义注解所需要生成的代码),最终通过分析生成 JVM 可执行的字节码Class文件。


  1. 在编译Java源代码时,Java编译器会调用注解处理器API。注解处理器会扫描源代码中的注解,找到Lombok相关的注解。
  2. 注解处理器:Lombok的注解处理器会解析并处理这些注解。它会通过解析AST来了解源代码的结构,并根据注解生成相应的代码。
  3. 代码生成:根据注解的类型,Lombok的注解处理器会生成与注解相关的代码片段。例如,@Getter注解会自动生成对应属性的getter方法,@Setter注解会自动生成对应属性的setter方法。
  4. 代码替换:生成的代码片段将会替换原始源代码中与注解相关的部分。这意味着在编译后的字节码中,生成的代码将取代原始代码,从而实现了代码的增强和简化。
  5. 编译结果:最终,通过注解处理器的处理,源代码中标记了Lombok注解的部分将会被替换为生成的代码。这些生成的代码将包含在编译后的类文件中,以便在运行时使用。

3.3 源码追踪

打开 lombok.jar 文件,会发现不包含许多.class文件,而是包含名为.SCL.lombok的文件。其实.SCL.lombok文件是.class文件, Lombok 的构建脚本在生成 jar 文件时重命名它们,而 ShadowClassLoader 能够加载这些类,并且首字母缩略词 SCL 似乎来自于此,似乎这样做的原因只是"避免使用基于 SC L的 jar 污染任何项目的命名空间

lombok jar包从maven下载源码,有部分代码找不到源码,IDEA反编译为空,暂未找到解决方法

下面以@Get注解为例,查看 lombok 是如何生成getter方法的:

  1. 首先找到的类是LombokProcessor这个类,它继承了AbstractProcessor, 我们知道在自定义一个 APT 的时候需要继承 AbstractProcessor ,并实现其最核心的 process 方法来对当前轮编译的结果进行处理,在 Lombok 中也不例外,Lombok 也是通过一个顶层的 Processor 来接收当前轮的编译结果,而这个 Processor 就是 LombokProcessor 重点关注process方法的这一段

    transformer.transform(prio, javacProcessingEnv.getContext(), cusForThisRound, cleanup);
  2. JavacTransformer.transform具体如下

    public void transform(long priority, Context context, List<JCCompilationUnit> compilationUnits, CleanupRegistry cleanup) {
        for (JCCompilationUnit unit : compilationUnits) {
            if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(LombokConfiguration.read(ConfigurationKeys.LOMBOK_DISABLE, JavacAST.getAbsoluteFileLocation(unit)))) {
                JavacAST ast = new JavacAST(messager, context, unit, cleanup);
                ast.traverse(new AnnotationVisitor(priority));
                handlers.callASTVisitors(ast, priority);
                if (ast.isChanged()) LombokOptions.markChanged(context, (JCCompilationUnit) ast.top().get());

    获取 AST , traverse 遍历

  3. 继续追踪,找到注解,根据注解位置处理

    public void traverse(JavacASTVisitor visitor) {
        switch (this.getKind()) {
            case COMPILATION_UNIT:
                visitor.visitCompilationUnit(this, (JCCompilationUnit) get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitCompilationUnit(this, (JCCompilationUnit) get());
            case TYPE:
                visitor.visitType(this, (JCClassDecl) get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitType(this, (JCClassDecl) get());
            case FIELD:
                visitor.visitField(this, (JCVariableDecl) get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitField(this, (JCVariableDecl) get());
            case METHOD:
                visitor.visitMethod(this, (JCMethodDecl) get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitMethod(this, (JCMethodDecl) get());
            case INITIALIZER:
                visitor.visitInitializer(this, (JCBlock) get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitInitializer(this, (JCBlock) get());
            case ARGUMENT:
                JCMethodDecl parentMethod = (JCMethodDecl) up().get();
                visitor.visitMethodArgument(this, (JCVariableDecl) get(), parentMethod);
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitMethodArgument(this, (JCVariableDecl) get(), parentMethod);
            case LOCAL:
                visitor.visitLocal(this, (JCVariableDecl) get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitLocal(this, (JCVariableDecl) get());
            case STATEMENT:
                visitor.visitStatement(this, get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitStatement(this, get());
            case ANNOTATION:
                switch (up().getKind()) {
                    case TYPE:
                        // @Getter放在类上会执行这段
                        visitor.visitAnnotationOnType((JCClassDecl) up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation) get());
                    case FIELD:
                        visitor.visitAnnotationOnField((JCVariableDecl) up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation) get());
                    case METHOD:
                        visitor.visitAnnotationOnMethod((JCMethodDecl) up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation) get());
                    case ARGUMENT:
                        JCVariableDecl argument = (JCVariableDecl) up().get();
                        JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl) up().up().get();
                        visitor.visitAnnotationOnMethodArgument(argument, method, this, (JCAnnotation) get());
                    case LOCAL:
                        visitor.visitAnnotationOnLocal((JCVariableDecl) up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation) get());
                    case TYPE_USE:
                        visitor.visitAnnotationOnTypeUse(up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation) get());
                        throw new AssertionError("Annotion not expected as child of a " + up().getKind());
            case TYPE_USE:
                visitor.visitTypeUse(this, get());
                ast.traverseChildren(visitor, this);
                visitor.endVisitTypeUse(this, get());
                throw new AssertionError("Unexpected kind during node traversal: " + getKind());
  4. 上述 JavacASTVisitor

    public class JavacASTAdapter implements JavacASTVisitor {
    private class AnnotationVisitor extends JavacASTAdapter {
        private final long priority;
        AnnotationVisitor(long priority) {
            this.priority = priority;
        @Override public void visitAnnotationOnType(JCClassDecl type, JavacNode annotationNode, JCAnnotation annotation) {
            JCCompilationUnit top = (JCCompilationUnit) annotationNode.top().get();
            // 执行这段
            handlers.handleAnnotation(top, annotationNode, annotation, priority);
  5. 上述handlers时HandlerLibrary类型, HandlerLibrary 中 handleAnnotation如下

    public void handleAnnotation(JCCompilationUnit unit, JavacNode node, JCAnnotation annotation, long priority) {
    		TypeResolver resolver = new TypeResolver(node.getImportList());
    		String rawType = annotation.annotationType.toString();
    		String fqn = resolver.typeRefToFullyQualifiedName(node, typeLibrary, rawType);
    		if (fqn == null) return;
    		List<AnnotationHandlerContainer<?>> containers = annotationHandlers.get(fqn);
    		if (containers == null) return;
    		for (AnnotationHandlerContainer<?> container : containers) {
    			try {
    				if (container.getPriority() == priority) {
    					if (checkAndSetHandled(annotation)) {
                            // 各个注解handler调用各自的handle方法
    					} else {
    						if (container.isEvenIfAlreadyHandled()) container.handle(node);
    			} catch (AnnotationValueDecodeFail fail) {
    				fail.owner.setError(fail.getMessage(), fail.idx);
    			} catch (Throwable t) {
    				String sourceName = "(unknown).java";
    				if (unit != null && unit.sourcefile != null) sourceName = unit.sourcefile.getName();
    				javacError(String.format("Lombok annotation handler %s failed on " + sourceName, container.handler.getClass()), t);
  6. @Get 注解相关handler类为 HandleGetter,重要的handle方法如下:

    public void handle(AnnotationValues<Getter> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
        handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.GETTER_FLAG_USAGE, "@Getter");
        Collection<JavacNode> fields = annotationNode.upFromAnnotationToFields();
        // 将@Getter注解删除
        deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(annotationNode, Getter.class);
        // 删除lombok 引用包
        deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(annotationNode, "lombok.AccessLevel");
        JavacNode node = annotationNode.up();
        Getter annotationInstance = annotation.getInstance();
        AccessLevel level = annotationInstance.value();
        // 判断lazy属性
        boolean lazy = annotationInstance.lazy();
        if (lazy) handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.GETTER_LAZY_FLAG_USAGE, "@Getter(lazy=true)");
        if (level == AccessLevel.NONE) {
            if (lazy) annotationNode.addWarning("'lazy' does not work with AccessLevel.NONE.");
        if (node == null) return;
        List<JCAnnotation> onMethod = unboxAndRemoveAnnotationParameter(ast, "onMethod", "@Getter(onMethod", annotationNode);
    	// 根据在字段,还是类生成getter方法
        switch (node.getKind()) {
            case FIELD:
                createGetterForFields(level, fields, annotationNode, true, lazy, onMethod);
            case TYPE:
                if (lazy) annotationNode.addError("'lazy' is not supported for @Getter on a type.");
                generateGetterForType(node, annotationNode, level, false, onMethod);


4.1 优点

  • 最大的优点就是减少样板代码的编写,提高开发效率
  • 通过使用 Lombok,当类的属性发生变化时,不需要手动更新相应的 getter、setter、equals 和 hashCode 方法等,Lombok 会自动帮助生成更新后的代码,提高代码的维护性
  • 大多数主流的 Java IDE(如 IntelliJ IDEA、Eclipse)都对 Lombok 提供了良好的支持,可以正确地识别和处理 Lombok 的注解,帮助开发者在开发过程中更好地理解和调试代码
  • 避免一些工具不支持 Lombok,提供delombok,将被 Lombok 处理后的字节码重新翻译为java源代码

4.2 缺点

  • 在使用Lombok过程中,如果对于各种注解的底层原理不理解的话,很容易产生意想不到的结果

    举一个简单的例子,我们知道,当我们使用@Data定义一个类的时候,会自动帮我们生成equals()方法 。但是如果只使用了@Data,而不使用@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper=true)的话,会默认是@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper=false),这时候生成的equals()方法只会比较子类的属性,不会考虑从父类继承的属性

  • 同样的,尽管 Lombok 自动生成的代码可以减少重复性代码,但有时候也可能会导致可读性下降。由于生成的代码被隐藏起来,其他开发人员可能不太容易理解代码的实际逻辑

  • 调试困难:由于Lombok会修改源代码,导致在调试时可能无法准确地查看和追踪生成的代码。这可能会对代码调试和排错造成一定的困扰

  • 版本兼容性:Lombok的注解处理器会直接修改Java源文件,这使得在不同版本的Java编译器和IDE之间使用Lombok可能存在兼容性问题。当你在不同环境中编译或构建项目时,可能需要额外考虑Lombok的版本兼容性

  • 项目编译变慢了


  1. 这个字段我明明传了呀,为什么收不到 - Spring 中首字母小写,第二个字母大写造成的参数问题
  2. Lombok 原理分析

