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Image Optimizer, Resizer and CDN Sirv 最好的WordPress常用插件下载 博客插件模块


Image Optimizer, Resizer and CDN – SirvInstallation

Accelerate your website and improve SEO with Sirv – the most complete image CDN and optimization plugin for WordPress.

Automatically resize, compress and serve images in the most optimal image format over a fast global CDN.

Why is Sirv the best choice for WordPress image optimization?Automatic image optimization.Automatic responsive images (resized to fit users screen).Automatic WebP delivery when possible (~30% saving).Smaller files than any other WP optimization plugin (~15% saving).Incredibly fast WordPress CDN.Full WooCommerce support.Lazy load your images, to speed up your website even more.Protect images with automatic backups.Remove image meta for even more optimization.

The best WordPress image optimizer – you don–t need to lift a finger. Just install the plugin and Sirv will automatically create and serve the smallest possible file-size (without looking over-compressed). The default settings are perfect for most sites and if you want to get under the hood, every option is very easily adjusted.

Optimize your WordPress Media Library

Automatically optimize your existing WordPress media library images, without lifting a finger. Sirv can automatically copy your media library to Sirv, from where images will be served as highly optimized images across Sirv’s fast, global WordPress CDN (19 worldwide locations).

All these images (and more) can be automatically optimized by Sirv:

Media Gallery imagesFeatured imagesWooCommerce imagesImages added via other plugins or scriptsNEW Images added via –Add Media– button

Simply enable the Sirv CDN after you–ve installed the plugin and Sirv will take care of the rest.

See the complete list of features of Sirv–s fresh new take on image optimization.

Take your WooCommerce sales to another levelOptimization & CDN delivery for all your product images.Add ultra-deep image zoom and 360-spin to product descriptions.Add image watermarks to images.Add text captions to images.Use Sirv for all your websites, apps, eBay & social media.Image zoom

Sirv loves huge images – it can zoom deep inside them very fast. No matter how big, images load fast, just like when you zoom into a Google Map. The bigger your images, the more impressive this image zoom is – perfect if you have really high quality images.

Try demos.

360 spin

Shoppers adore spinning products around to see them from all sides. If you–re selling something online, maybe with WooCommerce, Sirv provides a stunning 360-degree photography experience. Simply upload a set of photos and a 360 spin will be immediately ready to embed in your page. It feels incredible on desktop and mobile alike, especially the big full-screen 360 spin view.

Try demos.

Free and paid plans are available, depending on your needs. See –Price Plans– below.

What our users have to say

–We’ve halved the load time on mobiles of a site that we had already done quite a bit of work on to get image sizes down.– @martingfisher

–So far the best CDN plugin for WordPress. Please, never disappear!– @mavenickster

–I was looking for a CDN fast and easy (no need to code)! Sirv is the best – Just upload your photos on your WordPress library and voilà “roulez jeunesse!!!” (French expression). Very good service!– @disconance

–Sirv is fantastic! I have a lot of images on my website, and most of them are large, which resulted in slow site speeds, even with a CDN. What I love about Sirv is that they offer a CDN service, but also dynamically resize images based on the user’s browser/device, and serve the right file type. It has meant HUGE speed improvements on my website.– @basellen

Optimal format (every time)

WebP is probably the best image format you–ve never heard of. Incredibly, it has the same quality of a JPEG, yet its typically 30% smaller in file-size (versus Sirv–s already outstanding JPEG compression).

Sirv is intelligent enough to always serve the smallest possible file format that each of your users– browser supports. For Chrome & Opera, that–s usually WebP. Another reason why your pages will instantly load faster, once you install the Sirv plugin for WordPress.

All this is 100% automatic. Add in lazy loading and responsive images and you truly have the best possible image delivery system for WordPress.

Price plans

Sirv is a professional image hosting and WordPress CDN service. Most websites require a paid plan. Sirv also provides a free plan for light usage (500 MB storage and 2 GB monthly transfer).

Free 0.5 GB storage, $0/monthBusiness 5 GB storage, $19/monthBusiness 12 GB storage, $39/monthBusiness 20 GB storage, $59/monthBusiness 40 GB storage, $89/monthBusiness 60 GB storage, $119/monthBusiness 100 GB storage, $199/monthEnterprise: tailored to your needs – Contact us.

Create a Sirv account.

We believe in fair and transparent pricing:

Upgrade/downgrade any time.Start/stop any time.Complete and easy access to your images.No credit card required for the free plan.Further reading

Keep learning with these helpful resources:

The official Sirv Help Center & Documentation.Serve images from your own domain name.Next steps–Create your Sirv accountLogin to your Sirv account7.1.3Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 6.4.2.Fixed minor security issue.Added option to hide Sirv elements on the product edit page.Improved the use of img srcset.Fixed conflict with WPRocket JS file optimization.Many small fixes and optimizations.7.1.2Added option to show/hide Sirv product image block.7.1.1Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 6.3.1.Added ability to show Sirv variation image in WooCommerce cart and order confirmation emails.Added ability to store in cache non-WordPress Sirv images. Previously they were marked as Failed.Added Search button to the Add Sirv Media modal window.Improved code for adding a Sirv product image on the WooCommerce product admin page.Fixed issue for missing Sirv variation images.Improved logic for parsing static content.Small fixes and optimizations.7.1.0Improved static image parsing.Fixed issue with showing Sirv images in WP admin.Removed zoom option –mode=deep– for custom galleries (shortcodes).Small fixes and optimizations.7.0.2Fixed issue when uploading non image/video files.Improved WooCommerce image block appearance if Sirv product image set.7.0.1Fixed issue with missing Sirv images.Fixed issue when adding WooCommerce placeholder if only main image exists.7.0.0Added ability to use Sirv plugin to set main WooCommerce product image.Added support to embed 3D models (GLB/glTF) in pages, posts & products.Added new variant for Variation images and improved option–s logic.Added ability to upload folders.Added ability to sync videos to Sirv.Improved the Order of content option for WooCommerce product gallery.Added Spin image option for WooCommerce category settings.Added ability to edit shortcodes for any item if gallery has different item types.Many small fixes and optimizations.6.9.3Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 6.2.Small style fixes for WordPress 6.2.Improved how the plugin handles WooCommerce variation images.Added support for jet-woo-builder categories.Fix Divi theme issue with func et_disable_emojis_dns_prefetch.Improved sync for files with unicode symbols.Small improvements and optimizations.6.9.2Fixed issue with srcset.Added support Sirv Media Viewer for WooCommerce for blocksy–s theme.6.9.1Fixed issue with undefined array key.6.9.0Added option to add classes to your Sirv product gallery container. Uses include copying classes from your previous WooCommerce gallery.Improved WooCommerce product gallery for Sirv Media Viewer.Improved logic for CSS background images.Added automatic resync of modified images.Improved static image parsing to synchronise more images to Sirv.Improved security by adding 2FA field at login.Improved captions for custom Sirv galleries (via shortcode) to permit tags in caption: –em–, –strong–, –b–, –i–, –br–, –a–.Improved loading scripts for Elementor. Fixed deprecated warnings.Many small fixes and optimizations.6.8.4Fixed issue with variations change.Improved parse static images.Added gallery module for sirv.js.Improved login action.Small fixes and optimizations.6.8.3Fixed issue with product gallery not properly showing.6.8.2Added option of smaller sirv.js version, for faster loading.Improved WooCommerce product variations if variation has no images.Improved HTML reports for image sync.Improved error handling for login page.6.8.1Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 6.1.1.Fixed some security issuesImproved crop option.Improved Gallery placeholder option.Small texts fixes.6.8.0Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 6.1.Added option to sync images requiring HTTP authentication.Added option to bypass responsive image scaling via img attribute.Added option to show Sirv Media Viewer galleries on WooCommerce categories (images, videos, 360 spins).Added global options for Sirv Media Viewer shortcodes.Improved logic when uses WooCommerce variations.Improved TTL cache logic.Improved design of skeleton styles for product gallery.Fixed issue when adding Vimeo videos to product gallery.Improved captions for product gallery items.Improved static images feature.Improved error messages.Fixed Elementor deprecated warning.Many small fixes and optimizations.6.7.1Updated tested version.6.7.0Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 5.9.Added new option to manage WordPress thumbnails – delete, regenerate and disable.Added new option to pre-sync images to Sirv when uploaded to WordPress.Added support for variation links, to generate product galleries with variation images by URL.Improved reporting of images that failed to sync.Small fixes and optimizations.6.6.1Added option to link image to a page URL or big image.Improved custom domain option.Improved CSS images parsing.Improved Gutenberg support.Small fixes and optimizations.6.6.0Added option to autodelete image from Sirv, if deleted from WP media library.Improved user feedback during bulk synchronization.Added new video options to the Add Sirv Media window.Show text caption under WooCommerce images in fullscreen.Improved sync error categorization.Small improvements to Settings page.Small fixes and optimizations.6.5.1Fixed issue with Class –SirvElementorWidget\getValue– not found.6.5.0Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 5.8.Added ability to rename folders within the Sirv Media Library (right-click).Improved logic when renaming the primary Sirv synchronization folder, to avoid duplication.Added Sirv shortcode to Avada builder.Improved code when working with images requesting by frontend Ajax.Added –pinned thumbnail– option in WooCommerce media gallery.Added ability to order thumbnails in the WooCommerce media gallery.Reworked lazy loading placeholder for better PageSpeed score.Moved frontend styles and scripts inline, to improve PageSpeed score.Many small fixes and improvements.6.3.2Fixed small issue with plugin folder.6.3.1Fixed small issue with plugin folder.6.3.0Added new TTL option to automatically clear product Sirv gallery cache.Fixed issues with captions under images in product gallery.Fixed issue with undefined getBoundingClientRect.Improved CSS sync.Removed some deprecated jQuery methods.Style improvements for WooCommerce options.Small fixes and optimizations.6.2.1Fixed issue with Undefined array key –spinHeight–.6.2.0Improved parsing to sync images missing an HTTP(S) protocol.Improved CSS image sync feature.Added ability to search in current folder.Added width/height to responsive and static images, to prevent Cumulative Layout Shift.Improved crop for Sirv images.Added support for rich HTML text captions on galleries.Added ability to show text captions under WooCommerce product galleries with Sirv Media Viewer.Added option to show/hide Sirv Media Viewer product gallery skeleton.Added spin height option when embedding 360 spin in page/post.Added Sirv JS v3 spin options when embedding 360 spin in page/post.Small fixes and improvements.6.1.0Added option to exclude files/folders from CDN sync.Added mobile profile, to apply different product gallery settings on mobiles.Added the hook –sirv_after_product_smv– to mimic the hook –woocommerce_product_thumbnails–.Added option to apply CSS styles to product galleries.Removed sirv.js components.Improved compatibility with WPBakery images.Improved and optimized static image parsing.Improved CSS background images feature.Improved handling when frontend Ajax requests images.Fixed issue with multiline caption in Sirv galleries.Improved styling on the settings page.Many small fixes and improvements.6.0.0Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 5.7.Recommendation to switch to Sirv JS v3 from Sirv JS v2 before it is deprecated in 6 months.Added new feature to sync CSS background images (beta) and serve them from CDN.Various settings changes and optimizations.Added styles to improve for WooCommerce layout of Sirv Media Viewer.Added new image zoom option for WooCommerce gallery.Added optimizations for WooCommerce product image gallery.Added optimizations for faster content parsing.Small fixes and optimizations.5.8.0Reduced size of plugin autoload options – may require reconnection of Sirv account.Fixed style issues with responsive/static block in Gutenberg editor.Fixed issue with max-width for responsive images.Improved error message notifications.Small fixes and improvements.5.7.1Merry Christmas dear users and a happy New Year!Improved network status description.Fixed issue with apostrophe in the Sirv library.Fixed small issues with Sirv Media Viewer for WooCommerce.5.7.0Plugin tested with the latest WordPress version – 5.6.WooCommerce product pages can now use content uploaded to Sirv and WordPress in parallel (in Sirv Media Viewer).Visual improvements to the options page.Added responsive grey placeholder. Gutenberg can now restore blocks with –Attempt Block Recovery– function.Added button in the Gutenberg right sidebar to edit shortcode settings.Elementor improvements to JS scripts running when not needed.Added fixes for the log in account issues.Small fixes and optimizations.5.6.9Changed redirects to the account page.Fixed issue with empty cdn url.5.6.8Fixed issue with embed sirv.js through http.Fixed plugin version in changelog.5.6.7Fixed issue with Sirv Elementor widget.Fixed issue with using multi custom domains.Fixed small issues with the plugin menu pages.Fixed rare issue with –divided by zero– in stats.Added some checks into the creating new account.Other small fixes.5.6.6Fixed issue with unable to insert Sirv Media into the Gutenberg editor.5.6.5Added option to choose sirv.js components.Reworked options page layout.Reduced blur overspill for blurred placeholder.Added improvements for error messages on account login.Fixed issue with showing failed images log.Fixed issue when showing negative values on sync tab.Small fixes and optimizations.5.6.4Added option parse static images and serve them from Sirv.Added option to show/hide WooCommerce product variation image.Added improvements to …Screenshots Responsive image gallery, with perfectly scaled images. Zoom deep into images and swap between them. Deep zoom, for big images. Embed perfectly sized images, scaled on-the-fly to suit each users screen. 360 spin that is responsive, smooth and fast loading. Create a free Sirv account: https://my.sirv.com/#/signup Configure the plugin by pasting the S3 settings from https://my.sirv.com/account. Enable the WordPress CDN plugin. Synchronize your WordPress library with Sirv. Check your stats to see how much storage and transfer you–re using. Learn more about Sirv on the Help page. Send your questions to Sirv–s expert support team. Click the Add Sirv Media button to embed images in your page or post. Choose the image(s) to embed in your page/post. Choose how the image(s) should be displayed (static images, responsive images, 360 spin, image zoom or image gallery). Your images/gallery will be shown in your post. Click Preview to see how the images look in your page/post. To upload images to your Sirv library, go to the Media Library page within the Sirv sub-menu (in the left navigation column).Blocks

This plugin provides 1 block.

Sirv MediaInstallationSearch for the Sirv plugin via the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard.Install and activate the plugin.Go to the Settings page and copy/paste the S3 settings from this page of your Sirv account. You only need to do this once.Manual installationInstead of the quick installation above, you can download and unzip the plugin to your computer.Upload the
 folder to the 
 directory of your WordPress site.Activate the plugin through the –Plugins– menu in WordPress.Go to the Settings page to enter your S3 connection details.If you don–t already have a Sirv account, create an account here.How to embed imagesEmbed images from your Sirv library by clicking the Add Sirv Media button next to any page or post.For help, submit the Sirv support form in your control panel.FAQIs Sirv free to try?

You can try Sirv for 30 days without any obligations.
Then you have the option to downgrade to a free plan with 500 MB storage and 2 GB of bandwidth. Or you can choose one of our pricing plans.

How do I enable WebP image optimization?

WebP is enabled by default. Sirv automatically optimizes your images in the most suitable format for each users– browser and screen. WebP is usually the smallest file-size for Chrome and Opera, so your images will be served in WebP format (regardless of what image format your original images are). Other browsers will receive either JPEG or PNG, whichever is most optimal.

Can I serve images from my own domain name?

You can serve images from any domain or subdomain that you own. All you need is an SSL certificate for that domain/subdomain. You–ll update your DNS to point the CNAME to your Sirv account, then all your images will be optimized and served rapidly over HTTPS from Sirv. Follow this short tutorial.

Can I host other files, as well as images?

You can serve almost any file from your Sirv account. Use it as a WordPress CDN to deliver JS files, CSS files, text/CSV/XML files, PDFs, PSDs and more. Think of Sirv as a complete CDN hosting solution for all your files, with the best possible image optimization and delivery.

What happens to my original images if I disable the plugin?

Your images are perfectly safe, Sirv does not modify them. After you turn off our plugin your site keeps working just the way it did before.

What makes Sirv stand out among other image optimization plugins?

Your original images are left untouched. Sirv serves your images from a robust CDN. It automatically resizes and optimizes all of your images on-the-fly allowing for a superb experience for each and every user, on any device, from any country in the world.

What formats does Sirv support?

JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP and many more.

Is Sirv better than other WordPress image optimization plugins?

People tell us they prefer Sirv to other plugins (Smush, Cloudinary, ImgIX, Imagify, ShortPixel) because Sirv optimizes images smaller, the Sirv plugin is entirely automated and images load faster anywhere in the world, thanks to Sirv–s CDN.

Can I use Sirv with Cloudflare?

Yes. Clouflare and Sirv work perfectly together on the same site. Sirv will serve your images, Cloudflare will serve your other files.

The plugin doesn–t work with my theme

Sirv works instantly on over 95% of WordPress sites. In case Sirv doesn–t instantly work for you, we can usually resolve that within 24 hours (Mon-Fri). Just send us a message containing a login to your WordPress admin from this secure form and our helpful team will find and resolve the problem ASAP.

I–m a photographer, can I keep my EXIF data?

Yes, you can keep your image meta data, including any copyright information. Learn how.

Sirv also helps you protect your images with watermarks and hotlink protection. Learn how.

Can I use Sirv with Elementor?

Yes, Sirv works with Elementor. The Sirv plugin automatically copies your Elementor images to your Sirv account. There–s also a button in Elementor to –Add Sirv Media– to your pages.

Can I use Sirv with Divi?

Yes, Sirv works with Divi. It will automatically sync and serve your Divi images. You can also use the Add Sirv Media button to embed your Sirv library images into Divi pages.

Where can I learn more about using Sirv?

The official Sirv Help Center is full of easy advice, including:

Dynamic ImagingImage Zoom360 SpinAPIResponsive-ImagingHow can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.

Excellent.globaltreeprojectNovember 29, 2023Excellent. Their customer service is also very responsive.Read all 254 reviews

